Liam Freeland
Drive Time with Liam
4pm - 7pm

NLive Radio Hustings Events

As part of our coverage of the 2024 General Election, we're running two hustings events for Northampton North and Northampton South constituencies.

Each event will include a small audience of voters with varying political views and voting intentions, representing the whole of Northampton. These events will also be broadcast live on NLive Radio with additional content being played out as part of the broadcast.

The Northampton North Hustings will be taking place on the 27th of June, and Northampton South Hustings will be taking place on the 28th of June. The venue is in the town centre, and we would need people to arrive no later than 5:45 and the event should last until around 7pm (the full details will be sent to those who are selected to be in the audience).

To be considered to be in the audience, please complete the below form:

Your Name

Contact Number

Email Address

Choice of hustings event

Are you an active member of a specific party?


If yes, please detail you involvement in the party

Who did you vote for in the 2019 General Election?

 The Conservative Party
 Liberal Democrat
 Green Party
 Prefer not to say

Do you intend to vote on 4th July?


Who do you intend to vote for on 4th July?

 The Conservative Party
 Labour Party
 Reform UK
 Liberal Democrats
 Green Party

If you could ask one question to candidates, what would you question be?

Do you want a ticket to bring a friend etc


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